Design – SNCMA A ServiceNow Architecture Blog Wed, 12 Jun 2024 00:53:20 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Design – SNCMA 32 32 194767795 Wherefore Architecture? Wed, 12 Jun 2024 00:12:27 +0000 If ServiceNow is built to support Citizen developers, why do we need ServiceNow architects?

“Thinking about design is hard, but not thinking about it can be disastrous.” – Ralph Caplan


For almost 14 years in the ServiceNow space, and across a rapid expansion of the exosystem, it has been interesting to observe and analyze various organization’s approaches to developing and maintaining their ServiceNow environment. Specifically, how do organizations manage the inflow of business needs, the distribution and velocity of development, configuration and administrative work, and the ongoing maintenance of the platform? As the footprint of ServiceNow has expanded conjunctionally with the expansion of the business functions the platform supports, I increasingly see divergence in these strategies. I’m writing this article to articulate these strategies and provide my view of how each succeeds and fails, along with my recommendations for the correct strategy given a company’s view of ServiceNow.

Management Approaches

There really are two ends of the spectrum for how ServiceNow environments are managed. At one end is the idealized view and what ServiceNow itself espouses: Use of Idea and Demand Management to receive and vet business requirements, an oversight board – which ServiceNow calls a “Center of Excellence” – who does the vetting and prioritization of these requirements, Agile and PPM to manage the development work to fulfill these requirements, and an operational organization that handles release management, break/fix work, upgrades, and performance and security of the platform. If you’ve got your thinking cap on while reading this, you’ll quickly sense that this is intended and works best in the largest ServiceNow implementations, where the platform is a large part of an overall enterprise strategy for a company.

The other end of the spectrum stems largely from traditional IT functions; that is, a purely operational model and mindset where all development is treated as one-off break/fix/enhance type work. Where “keep the lights on” is the primary and sometimes only strategy. In these organizations, ServiceNow development work is typically handled through Incident and/or Enhancement processes, and each task is designed, developed and released “in a silo”, usually without thought to larger strategic initiatives. In other words, the view of the development does not extend beyond the scope of the need elucidated.

With a 25 year career in IT, I’m certainly aware of and sympathetic to this mindset. I find it particularly prevalent in MSP or MSP-like organizations. It’s not that the people running these organizations intend to be “unstrategic” (not a word), it’s what they know. These mindsets are built over years and decades of running IT as an operational entity.

There is a cost to doing business this way – and this is the crux of this article. When you implement under an operational mindset, you necessarily build everything as one-off. Critically, there are no design or architecture considerations taken into account, which means there are concerns for platform maintenance, stability, health and optimization. These can range from the simplest quirks like inconsistent forms and fields, and re-creations of code logic, to large-scale issues with performance and user experience.


Here are some specific examples of development done without design or architecture prior to “hands-on” work:

  • A developer customizes an out of box ServiceNow application when a custom application would have served the requirement better. This leads to upgrade issues.
  • A developer builds a security requirement using client-side functionality, which is pseudo-security. This security hole is exposed when using integrations and server-side functionality to the same data.
  • A series of requirements for a single application are developed as one-offs. After these are implemented, the UI/UX experience is compromised, as now the form design is cluttered and out of sync with other applications. Adding UI logic and many related lists hinders the performance of form loads.
  • One developer uses Workflow, another Flow Designer, another a series of Business Rules, and another a series of Glide Ajax client scripts, all to implement similar requirements. Maintenance becomes hyper complex as each change or fix is a one-off “head scratcher”; “Now where is this functionality??”

I can argue that Agile is a contributor to this problem. Not the methodology itself, but the incomplete usage of the methodology. I often see organizations going no further than Stories to manage their work. While Stories done correctly are ideal for “state the business requirement, not the technical how” of documentation, without using Epics to group requirements into a cohesive release, and more importantly, without architectural design overseeing the Epic, the Stories are developed in silos and lead to the issues noted above.

Best Practice

In my experience, the best practice is to have an architectural or design review of all requirements prior to development. Some may only need a cursory review to confirm it can be built as a one-off. Others may need a directed technical approach because there are several ways it could be built, and a consistent approach platform-wide is best for long term maintainability. And some may need a complete analysis of pros and cons, buy versus build, custom application versus out-of-box in order to build the right solution for the business need and the platform sustainability.

I’ve included a diagram below that shows the “idealized” process flow, including a Center of Excellence that fulfills this function:

Center of Excellence

The concept of a Center of Excellence, or at least some level of architectural oversight, is not meant to be onerous or a process bottleneck. This is a common concern organizations have, and a reason they don’t do it. My argument is that the operational sweet spot for such a function lies somewhere in the middle of the spectrum: Organizations are free to be as fast and independent with business requirements as they choose. The oversight part of the process is a simple architectural design review of all Stories (requirements) prior to development, with the end result a proper technical approach to development. A good architect will quickly recognize when there are multiple approaches to implement a requirement and provide guidance on the correct approach, taking into consideration all aspects mentioned previously. If the Agile methodology is being used, this can be part of the grooming process.

The diagram above is one I drew for where the Center of Excellence lives in the overall development process, between the requirements gathering, and the execution, either as operational one-offs or as larger project-type initiatives.

ServiceNow’s Documentation on Center of Excellence

In the end, it comes down to an organizational decision, even if not made consciously: “Do we spend the time up front to ensure things are developed in a cohesive platform strategy way, or do we dedicate more time, money and resources to fixing issues when they (inevitably) rise in Production?”  The simple analogy is working to prevent forest fires, or dedicating resources to fighting forest fires.

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It’s the Platform, Stupid* (Part 2) Tue, 20 Feb 2024 19:38:22 +0000 * – A play on the famous James Carville quote about the economy, not implying that ServiceNow folks are stupid

It’s been a few years since I wrote Part 1 of this article, going through the history and evolution of the ServiceNow platform, and the morphing of the company strategy from platform to product. After working with multiple clients in the meantime, and reading lots of new marketing and going through many platform release upgrades, I thought it time to revisit the subject with new perspective and analysis.

A quick recap: In the early 2000s, ServiceNow (nee “Glide”) was envisioned and built as an extensible business workflow platform, designed to replace paper and manual processes, but without a defined business application built-in. The idea was that businesses would analyze their own processes and automate using the platform components. Once this didn’t catch on, the SN founders built an application suite on top of the platform using what they knew – ITSM. This caught on, and in the subsequent years both customers and ServiceNow have used the extensibility of the platform to build and solve countless business processes problems. As ServiceNow itself has gone public and had multiple leadership changes, the company has shifted development, sales and marketing focus to products it builds on top of its own platform. This is why most discussions around new releases are around Products, and not platform enhancements.

platform building

While this all may be natural progression for a company that goes public and has to answer to the markets and short-term financial interests, it poses some issues for those attempting to use ServiceNow as a platform rather than a series of products.

Buy versus Build

In the early days of ServiceNow, the process for implementing a business process solution was generally straightforward (other than specific ITSM processes, which were built in). As a consultant, you would listen to the business problem that needed solving, then design and implement a custom* solution using the platform components provided (see Part 1 for more detail). There wasn’t a longer discussion or decision required for build versus buy, since the platform was designed to be built upon. ServiceNow provided the components to build the tools (applications) to solve business problems, and the licensing was based on fulfiller versus requester. There was no further buy versus build decision to be made.

*NOTE: Although this could spawn an entirely separate discussion, I want to point out that in the ServiceNow world, “custom” is not a bad word, though it is often seen as such.  In reality, building a new application using the platform components ServiceNow provides is doing exactly as the founders intended.  It is also not really “custom” in the true sense of the word. It is simply a new way of using the components provided.

Simplification by Obfuscation?

The nature of strategizing control over flexibility means you take the power of the platform out of the hands of those who are best equipped to take advantage of it. This has been true long before ServiceNow and will continue to be true long after, but I believe it is exacerbated in the ServiceNow space by the factors previously mentioned: market forces, management changes, market strategies, misinformation and misconstrued information. Over the years as ServiceNow has moved from a ticketing system to a strategic platform for companies, I’ve watched as C-level executives have injected common phrases like “stay out of the box” and “minimize upgrade efforts” into the lexicon. I can only assume these come from history with other platforms and reading industry studies, rather than from deep knowledge of what this really means for their ServiceNow implementation. I also assume because those who are making the financial decisions are saying these things, that they become both gospel and strategy for those who have a vested interest in their decision-making.

I liken what ServiceNow has done to the platform to using WordPress for website development, rather than DreamWeaver. The latter is a framework that gives you pre-built components that experienced developers can use to build custom websites faster. The former is more for non-developers to implement fully pre-built websites with a small to moderate ability to make configuration changes. But for an experienced website developer in certain circumstances working with WordPress can be more challenging because things that could easily be modified in CSS aren’t always accessible. In this way, WordPress makes it easy to deploy a website that fits their model, but makes it far more difficult to make what are often necessary changes after the fact.

Business Example:

Here’s an example of what I’ve been describing:

Business Requirement: A need to manage company events such as luncheons, meetings and guest visits. The company wants to use their ServiceNow investment and the platform tasking and workflows to do so.

business requirements

Platform Solution: A ServiceNow architect uses the Task application model to extend to a new Task Type called “Event”, creates a Record Producer to intake customer needs (available in the Service Catalog), builds sub-tasking records and initiates them with a workflow based on state changes to the parent Event. Form and list views, notifications and reports are configured to meet business needs. Security for the new application is layered on as needed. Any specific business requirement can be implemented without concern for “breaking” out of box solutions, and is completely upgrade-proof (ServiceNow doesn’t care about net new applications and components – they are completely ignored in upgrades).

“Out of the Box” Solution: The customer ServiceNow team is told to stay “out of the box” and so attempts to build the solution in Service Request with a Catalog Item for intake. The Event data takes the form of many variables on the Requested Item. The workflow is driven off of variables, and Catalog Tasks are initiated by the workflow. The ServiceNow team has to customize the Request and Task forms for Event needs, creating maintenance issues – the application looks and functions one way for “normal” Service Requests, and a different way for Event Requests. Forms, lists, reports, notifications, security are all doubled with mutually exclusive conditions. Subsequent implementations like this use case in Service Request further complicate the configurations and maintenance.

Product Solution: A ServiceNow Account Manager hears “buzzwords” from the customer regarding their business needs and finds an out of the box product to license them. The customer installs the new product and demos for the business. Stakeholders find that the product only partially aligns with their needs. The business has to make a decision to either customize the ServiceNow product for their needs, or go through a rigorous and costly OCM cycle to change the way their business works to fit the ServiceNow product. If choosing the former, the company loses the ongoing maintenance benefits of staying “out of the box”, while still paying new licensing charges. Anyone who has worked in corporations knows the latter requires an incredible sales job to accomplish – businesses DO NOT like to change!

If you’re intuiting the conclusion I’m reaching with this example, you realize the irony is that what most would call the “custom” solution is actually the solution with the least development friction, the least technical debt, and the least upgrade concerns.


We’ve reached a concerning level of misinformation and mischaracterization of design and development decisions as ServiceNow has changed both their platform focus and marketing strategy. But what ServiceNow cannot change is the fundamental nature of the platform any product they build and market is based upon. Those architects and developers who truly understand this fundamental nature are much better equipped to deliver real value to their customers via shorter development cycles, maintainability, and upgradeability. Remember: “custom” is not a bad word!

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What We’ve Got Here Is Failure to Communicate – Part 2 Tue, 09 May 2023 21:39:37 +0000 In Part 1 of this article, I delved into Inbound and Outbound design considerations. Now, in Part 2, I’ll cover considerations for a true eBonding type integration as well as other general tips I’ve learned through the years building integrations.

eBonding Design Considerations and Good Practices

As mentioned previously, the example I’m working from is a bi-directional application to application integration, meaning that the systems are integrating application records throughout the lifecycle of that application’s workflow. For example, an Incident in system X that integrates with a ServiceNow Incident and exchanges updates throughout the life of both incidents, regardless of who has ownership of the resolution. Many know this concept as “eBonding”. Simply put, this is integration of both data and process, where what data is exchanged, and when, are as a result of process and may also influence process.

The technical designs I’ve outlined above work very well for eBonding, and are in fact designed to work with this practice. In addition to the technical aspects, here are other considerations when designing an integration solution for eBonding:

  • Both systems have to agree on the field mappings and data types. (No different than any other integration.)
  • Both systems have to agree when mapped fields can be updated. This is especially important for things like the ServiceNow “state” field, which either controls or is controlled by workflow. In our Incident example, often the only states that are allowed to be set by the integration are canceled or resolved. Other states may change in the other system but aren’t automatically updated by the integration as it may affect workflows, SLAs, etc. Rather, information may be included in a work note so each system is aware of activity in the other, but the process is not potentially adversely affected by it.
  • The integration needs to include mapping translations for field values that don’t match in usage across the systems. For example, if ServiceNow uses Priorities 1-4 and System X uses Severity 1-10, you’ll need to create a mapping matrix to map System X’s Severities into ServiceNow’s Priorities, and vice versa. (Also consider States, Categories, etc.)
  • You’ll need to consider how Reference fields get populated and integrated, but I’ll discuss that more in the Good Practice Tips.

I’m including diagrams from the AT&T Incident eBonding I built for ServiceNow below. It details the integration flow for two scenarios: A “Proactive” incident initiated by AT&T, and a “Reactive” incident sent to AT&T. In both scenarios AT&T is the owner of the incident – responsible for the resolution, as the use case is AT&T owns the customer’s network and in the incident is network related.

Note the listing of updateable fields, and when, as well as uni and bidirectional flows of data.

Proactive Ticket
Diagram 2: Example eBond flow for an AT&T initiated Incident into ServiceNow
Reactive Ticket
Diagram 2: Example eBond flow for an AT&T Incident initiated in and by ServiceNow

The keys to a successful eBonding integration are the discussion of, and agreement on, the data what and when that will flow between the systems, and the rigorous test planning and testing of all lifecycle scenarios. These are vital to ensure you don’t break existing internal processes already developed and running in your ServiceNow environment.

Other Good Practice Tips

In addition to the primary design considerations outlined above, I recommend the following:

  • While security is of the utmost importance, and is often the thing customers think about first, try to design and build your integration without the security layer, or use the most basic security possible. This allows you to prove out the design and confirm the connectivity first, and assumes you have sub-production environments to develop and test in. Security can almost always be layered in as a second step. This eliminates a layer to troubleshoot as you iterate your development.
  • You’ll need to consider and account for integrating ServiceNow Reference fields *. As you know, these are fields that are stored as sys_ids in the integrating ServiceNow record, which is not likely to mean anything to the external system. Here are some guidelines for integrating Reference fields:
    • Consider if there is value in having the Reference data tables stored and maintained wholly in each system, so each is aware of the full dataset and mapping is an easier exercise. (There good reasons to do this, and reasons it’s often either impossible or a bad idea.)
    • Ensure that both systems have a field that uniquely identifies the reference in both systems. For example, for users records, email address may suffice.
    • Ensure that field data is included in the bidirectional payloads
    • Use the “Reference value field name” in your Web Service Import Set Transform Map Entry to use this field to choose the right ServiceNow reference record (using our out of box functionality again!)
    • Set up your Outbound Field Mapper to map the ServiceNow field to System X field, so that the external system doesn’t get the sys_id
    • And for goodness sake don’t try to use display value strings as unique identifiers!
  • I suspect integrations that don’t use REST (or even SOAP) could use the same approach I’ve outlined. Even a file-based export could work the same, save for the nature of the outbound and/or inbound payloads.
  • Wherever possible, the outbound integrations from ServiceNow should be run asynchronously. This is a general good practice with all integrations. For example, if the integration is triggered via a Business Rule, the Business Rule should be set to async if at all possible. This way the end user and the system (UI) do not wait on the integration to move forward, and the integration runs as system resources are available to it. The exception is if there is a business requirement for the system to wait on the integration, e.g. the end user is expecting to get a result back from the external system before proceeding. There are also technical reasons this can be a challenge: For example, you cannot run an async Business Rule on a comment or work note addition.
  • Only use a Scripted Web Service if the inbound payload will not be in a name:value format that can easily map into a staging table, and rather requires scripting logic to manage the payload before injecting it into a ServiceNow record. Consider this a “last resort” in most cases.

Some of these points could warrant their own article; hopefully this article triggers your design thoughts and gives you ideas about how to manage your integrations.


Since its early days ServiceNow has had integration technologies built into, and fundamental to, the platform. Many a system has been integrated into ServiceNow in all shapes and flavors. While all kinds of new tools inside and outside of ServiceNow have attempted to simplify integrations, the “good old” ways still work when no other options exist (or existing options don’t quite fit the bill).

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What We’ve Got Here Is Failure to Communicate – Part 1 Mon, 08 May 2023 21:52:28 +0000 Good Practices for Designing Integrations in ServiceNow

Captain: You can have the easy way, Luke… Or you can have it the hard way… It’s all up to you. – Cool Hand Luke

If you work in a ServiceNow environment in 2023, it’s more than likely you’ve got it integrated with other systems. Given ServiceNow’s place in the market, it’s unlikely that an instance is running in an environment small enough or segregated enough to not need to be integrated with other systems. At the very least, you’re likely getting your core data from somewhere outside of ServiceNow, and hopefully not through a manual import. (Who wants to keep up with that effort?) You may be using a “good old” LDAP integration, or you may be using middleware, or an Integration Hub pre-built solution. Regardless of the solution, I’m going to use the rest of this article to talk about good practices for how integrations should be designed in ServiceNow so that your applications, and indeed the platform as a whole, are protected from possible integration chaff, and so they can be easily extended by non-coders when the need arises. I’ll primarily cover custom Web Service integrations, with the intention that if you understand how to design these kinds of integrations the knowledge translates well to all integrations.

In Part 1 of this article, I’ll delve into Inbound and Outbound design considerations, and in Part 2, I’ll cover considerations for a true eBonding type integration as well as other general tips I’ve learned through the years building integrations.

A quick bit of “curriculum vitae” to establish my bona-fides: I’ve been doing ServiceNow integrations since 2011; I was one of the early ServiceNow Professional Services consultants to delve into integration work. I developed one of the first AT&T eBonding integrations and gave the code and configuration to ServiceNow development to leverage as a packaged offering. I also built the ServiceNow side of the Workday to ServiceNow connector for Workday (the company). I’ve focused primarily on SOAP (early on) and REST based Web Service integrations. I also helped build the first iteration of the Perspectium DataSync tool.

Baseline Knowledge

This article assumes the reader has a baseline knowledge of how to do integrations, both in general and in ServiceNow. It also assumes you have knowledge of the various ways that ServiceNow does, or can do, integrations “out of the box”.

The examples in this article are based on Diagram 1. The example is a bi-directional application to application integration and includes the following:

  • The REST protocol with JSON payloads
  • A Web Service Import Set to stage the inbound data
  • An integration with a Task-based application in ServiceNow
  • A field mapping table to manage inbound and outbound data updates
Diagram 1: Example Salesforce Integration Using REST, a Web Service Import Set and a Mapping Table

Inbound: Default to Using a Staging Table

You should always default to staging the inbound data in Web Service Import Sets (WSIS). These are nothing more than Import Set tables with a slightly extended API. (I’ve honestly never needed anything more than the standard API calls when using these tables.) Here are the reasons these tables should be the place to integrate into ServiceNow:

  • Staging the data insulates your application tables from data issues with inbound integrations. This allows you to build both data and logic safeguards into your integration. External systems can use the WSIS Table APIs to inject data into ServiceNow, where it waits to be transformed into application or core-specific data. Transform logic can ensure that bad or malformed data doesn’t make its way into your SN processes, preventing potential SN instance issues.
  • Staged data in WSIS can be transformed like any import set. This means SN administrators who may not be familiar with Web Services or integration design in general can still configure transform maps and transform logic. Many of the future changes to the integration can be handled by anyone who can maintain transform maps.
  • Staged data can be used for troubleshooting integration issues: If there’s an issue with the integration after the inbound request has reached ServiceNow, the import set record serves as an auditable trace of the raw data received. Often issues can be solved by a review of this data, e.g “Hey we agreed you’d send the data in format YYYY-MM-DD and you sent MM-DD-YY.” Clever developers will set up ways to store raw JSON payloads and integration messages (errors etc) in the Import Set record.

Things to note with this approach:

  • For most situations, you’ll need to ensure the integrating system receives the unique identifier of the record created by the transform, not the import set record. Recent versions of ServiceNow’s Import Set API appear to do this inherently in the JSON response.
  • The import set will need to be set up not to use the default ServiceNow system delete property of 7 days if you want to be able to trace issues older than this.

ServiceNow documentation can show you how to achieve both of these.

For folks reading this who have become skeptical because Integration Hub doesn’t take this approach, I learned this approach from ServiceNow employee #1 (those who know, know). My standard tact is to believe those who created the platform over “johnny come latelies”.

Outbound: Create Extensible Field Mappers Instead of Writing Code

While WSIS are standard ServiceNow functionality, this recommendation is my good practice, and one I’ve espoused for all platform development. The goal is to build solutions that write code once, and build configurations that are extendable for future changes – ones that can be managed by non-coders. Think of it like a custom Transform Map for your integration. In the diagram above, this is the “X Request Map” at the middle bottom. In its simplest form, the table contains the following:

  1. The table and field of the application in ServiceNow
  2. The table and field of the integrating system
  3. The nature of the integration: Inbound, Outbound or Bidirectional
  4. An active flag

For #1, you can use the Table Name and Field Name dictionary field types. (The latter is dependent on the former; e.g. choose the Field from the Table selected) (Dictionary types).

Numbers 1 and 2 tell the integration the tables and fields from both systems map to each other. Conceptually, exactly like a Transform map, although one of the table\field combinations in this case is from the external, integrating system. Number 3 is a choice drop-down with options for Inbound, Outbound, and Bi-directional. Finally, an Active flag (Number 4) tells the integration is this a mapping that is currently used.

In Diagram 1, the bottom right side of the image shows how and where this is used. In many integrations I’ve seen, the creation of an outbound request from ServiceNow is done with pure code: the payload is built out via code, and changing the payload requires changed code. My suggested approach is to use Business Rules to trigger the request – when an update to an integrated record occurs, trigger the initiation of an outbound request. I use a Script Include function to build the request, so that it can be called from multiple places. Most importantly, I use the mapping table to determine what fields should be sent, and the field names to get the values from the ServiceNow record. The process flow is:

  1. The integrated ServiceNow record is updated
  2. A Business Rule running on that record’s table determines if the update needs to trigger the outbound integration
  3. The Business Rule code calls a Script Include function, passing it the current GlideRecord
  4. The Script Include function queries the mapping table, filtering on active, type=outbound, table is the current table
  5. The Script Include function loops through the result, pulling the values for the external system fields and the GlideRecord field values, building an outbound name:value pair payload
  6. The Script Include function triggers an outbound REST message and attaches the payload
  7. The Script Include function processes the response as desired

Important Note: Wherever possible, the Business Rules should be run async. There is more on this in part 2.

If this is built correctly, the major benefit is that future updates to the integration can be completed with updates to the Mapping table, rather than with code. A true low-code, no-code solution!

More to come in Part 2.

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Building The Perfect Architect – Part 2 Tue, 07 Feb 2023 20:08:04 +0000 What makes a good ServiceNow architect? And what makes “architect” a misnomer?

In part one, we discussed what an architect is within the ServiceNow and the larger IT ecosystems. Now, we’ll delve into design documentation – a key part of an architect’s deliverables, and some of the behaviors of folks who may have the title architect but whose actions belie the title.

Documenting designs and implementations

A good architect understands the value of documentation, and both creates and enforces documentation. My rules of thumb for documentation are:

  • Any custom development that includes creating new tables needs design documentation. This does not include Import Set tables, but does include tables meant for custom lookup functionality, extensions to existing functionality, and new task-based applications.
  • Any development that spans multiple Agile stories likely requires design and implementation documentation. What I mean by this is if the solution being implemented is complex enough to require multiple stories, there should be a centralized design for the solution that can be referenced by Story developers and post-implementation maintainers.
  • Any development whose essential nature cannot be found in existing ServiceNow documentation likely requires documenting. This is typically custom development.
  • Any development that would not be obvious to an experienced ServiceNow admin or developer who walks in “off the street” likely requires documenting. In other words, if an experienced ServiceNow person wouldn’t be able to understand the design of the solution simply by looking at what’s in the platform, then the architect “owes” them design documentation so they can see the thinking behind the design. (I can’t say how many times I’ve come into a situation like this and my only tact is to start reverse engineering code. I find this unacceptable.)

My standard “as-built” documentation for these scenarios includes:

  • The picture of what was designed (aka “Visio”)
  • The narrative of what was designed, and why
  • The elements of what was implemented, and where
  • The narrative of how the solution is to be maintained

For the sake of illustration, a Salesforce integrated application design document make look something like this:

Design Diagram

Sample Functional Solution Design

Design Narration:

The solution uses a custom request application to align with the Salesforce model, and uses Web Service Import Sets to stage the Salesforce data. Within ServiceNow, the same request can be initiated through a Record Producer in the Service Catalog… continue to describe the diagram and how the pieces fit together.

Implemented Elements:

Sample Custom Element Table

Maintenance Notes:

In order to extend the data schema on both systems, add fields to the ServiceNow request and import set tables, and use the transform map functionality to populate the field(s). Extend the custom mapping table to Salesforce so the outbound REST message will pick up the new field from ServiceNow… continue to describe the maintenance and extension of functionality

The goal is not documentation for documentation’s sake. The documentation should be clear and straightforward – think of the person who is seeing the solution for the first time. If it were you, what would you want to see to understand what was built?

You should be able to give the document to an experienced ServiceNow admin or developer and they understand the solution and can maintain it without having to comb through the system and/or reverse engineer it to learn it. And if I’m being perfectly honest, there are plenty of times I have to do this with new ServiceNow created applications or solutions.

Architect Failings, aka When It’s a Misnomer

It’s also helpful to list things that aren’t architecture, or at least don’t fall under the heading of “what makes a (good) architect”. I posit that when someone who has the title of “Architect” does these things, they are not truly an architect.

  • Treating all requirements development as a one-off. In other words, as requirements come in, the named architect only considers the requirement within the scope of itself, and solutions inside of that box. Doing so results in many unrelated one-off solutions within the platform, without a cohesive platform strategy to tie them together. This leads to maintenance challenges, as each change requires modifying a particular element. For example, I was working with a customer who had several hundred catalog items, each with their own workflow. We made a platform change at the Task level that required the modification of the same few lines of code across hundreds of workflows. A good architect somewhere in that development journey should (would) have stopped these one-off developments and designed a solution where the code existed in one place and was called where needed by the workflows. (I would argue a good architect would also consolidate the workflows, but I hope you see my general point.)
  • Implementing all requirements with code. I also refer to this as “write code until it works”. I’ve written about developing solutions that leverage the elements of the platform and maximize configuration over code. An architect understands how this is done, and avoids the common trap of overcoding. Just as important, he or she assures that the development team doesn’t do this either by providing design guidance as I’ve described previously.
  • Pushing products over solutions. There is a balance that must be struck between defaulting to a ServiceNow product as a solution, and developing a custom solution that may more perfectly align directly with business requirements. An architect understands each, and the tradeoffs, can articulate the advantages and disadvantages of each, and guides customers to the correct implementation for their business needs. In my view, those who do not make this distinction, but default to a ServiceNow product based on a few keywords heard in requirements sessions, are better termed as Sales or Solution Architects and not Technical Architects.
  • Limiting solution scope to ServiceNow. When reviewing business needs, if an architect does not consider all possible solutions in the enterprise, but limits their scope to only ServiceNow, they are not performing the duties of a true architect.


A good ServiceNow architect always starts with understanding the business’s short and long term needs, and recommending a solution that aligns with both, regardless of the technology. He or she understands enough about the ServiceNow platform to recommend the correct application or platform technology to meet the need when ServiceNow is the correct solution. And the good architect provides design oversight so that all parties involved in the solution are working toward the correct goal in the correct ways. In short, the best ServiceNow architects have knowledge of, and can work in, all spheres of the ServiceNow and Enterprise IT scopes:

ServiceNow Spheres

Lastly, when the architect doesn’t have the required experience in a particular area, they know enough to seek expertise in that area (rather than “faking it until they make it”). If knowledge is power, knowing what you don’t know is wisdom.

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Building the Perfect Architect – Part 1 Wed, 11 Jan 2023 19:52:00 +0000 What makes a good ServiceNow architect? And what makes “architect” a misnomer?

“Architecture is not an inspirational business, it’s a rational procedure to do sensible and hopefully beautiful things; that’s all.”Harry Seidler

If you’re here and reading this, you probably have a concept of what a ServiceNow architect is. (In this context, “architect” means a ServiceNow technical architect.) And you’ve likely worked with folks who have the title “architect”, whether on implementation projects or as part of a larger IT ecosystem. But what does this mean, and what should it mean? I’ll spend the rest of this article discussing this topic. Having the title Certified Master Architect doesn’t mean I have all the answers, but I’ll posit that having my experience and acumen means I can define it as well as anyone.

In part one, we’re going to discuss what an architect is within the ServiceNow and the larger IT ecosystems. In part two, we’ll delve into design documentation – a key part of an architect’s deliverables, and some of the behaviors of folks who may have the title architect but whose actions belie the title.

It’s helpful to start with two lists that will contextualize the discussion: The roles that are common to a medium to large-sized ServiceNow environment, and the spheres of influence the ServiceNow leaders oversee.

Common ServiceNow Roles

  • System Administrator – hands on configuration and management of the platform
  • Business Analyst – elucidating business requirements
  • Developer – custom solution development
  • Designer – intra and inter application solution design
  • Architect

In many customer environments, folks fill more than one of these roles, and potentially one person wears all the hats in small platform implementations.

ServiceNow Decision Spheres

  • Hands-on development
  • Application design
  • Platform strategy
  • Enterprise strategy

These are the areas that require guidance to be provided and decisions to be made. Much like the roles, the people providing the guidance and making the decisions may cross spheres, but the spheres exist.

These spheres fit into a pyramid picture of ServiceNow within the IT ecosystem.

ServiceNow Spheres

At its most narrow, it helps define development best practices, and at its broadest delineates where and how ServiceNow fits in the overall IT enterprise.

Defining the “Good” Architect

In my experience, and based on feedback from my customers, here’s what makes a good ServiceNow architect, and comparing it to what might be considered architecture but really isn’t:

Considering ServiceNow in the larger customer environment

This is traditionally the purview of the Enterprise Architect in larger organizations. The role takes into account short-term organizational and project needs, and longer-term strategic needs, and evaluates which technology tools are the correct ones to meet both needs. A ServiceNow architect should be able to converse intelligently about these customer needs and convey where ServiceNow can and should fit into meeting those needs. Just as importantly, he or she should also understand and be honest about where ServiceNow may not fit those needs. Between these two, the architect should be able to articulate what ServiceNow can do, the level of effort and cost to implement and maintain in ServiceNow, and help the customer make the correct decisions about using – and not using – ServiceNow.

Understanding the platform separately from products

A good ServiceNow architect understands the platform inherently – I’ve written about this previously. ServiceNow has increasingly moved from being a platform to being a series of products developed on that platform. While there is value in understanding these products, particularly from a business process perspective(*), a good architect can separate the chaff of product marketing from the value of the platform. And more importantly, can align this knowledge with customer requirements.

*For example, understanding how HR processes work, and how these processes are implemented in ServiceNow HR, has value.

Translating customer requirements into the correct platform solutions

Assuming an architect fundamentally understands the ServiceNow platform and understands when ServiceNow should or should not be used in the customer’s overall IT environment, he or she should be able to listen to business requirements and translate into the best way to achieve them in ServiceNow (assuming ServiceNow is the best place to achieve them). What this means is that the architect knows enough about the platform to determine if there is a pre-built solution that best serves the need, or if it is better served by extending platform capabilities to create a customized solution. He or she should also be able to articulate the reasons why to choose one over the other, and both speak to and document the advantages and disadvantages of both, including hard and soft costs.

Knowing and advising on best practices

The ideal architect is knowledgeable enough to not only design the correct solution, but advise on how to implement that solution. This includes advising on technical best practices. For example, when I serve as a technical architect on both projects and ongoing development in an Agile environment, my role and input includes documenting the technical approach on Stories. This is the detail of what and where to develop to satisfy the stated requirements, not necessarily the how. In other words, because there are often 3-4 ways to satisfy a requirement in ServiceNow, the architect should advise on the best way to do it based on their knowledge and experience. This is often beyond the knowledge of a developer or administrator, and beyond what can be found in ServiceNow documentation.

After reading this, you might think “but there’s too much crossover with the roles mentioned at the beginning”. And you may be right. What I’ve found in my ServiceNow journey is that it’s rare that an architect can only fulfill a pure architecture role. Most customer environments aren’t large enough to support this level of “purity” or responsibility delineation. In addition, I’ve found that you cannot provide the correct architecture decisions without some hands-on experience with the platform. Doing so leads to “book” answers without the benefit of real-work experience.

In addition to the more pure architecture I’ve listed, the best architects can also advise on practices for instance management: managing configuration and code updates through the SDLC and provide insight on how to build and maintain to simplify system upgrades (new releases). In short, the architect should be a trusted advisor to IT Management on minimizing cost and maximizing value with ServiceNow.

Coming up in part two, we’ll look at documentation and behaviors that belie the architect title.

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Should You Go with the Flow? Tue, 15 Nov 2022 22:33:52 +0000 A realistic analysis of Flow Designer

In the Kingston release (I think – it’s hard to find the exact history), ServiceNow debuted “Flow Designer”, ostensibly a newer and better way of creating automated workflows. The idea being that the Workflow engine was coming to the end of its useful life, and the platform needed an upgraded way to automate processes and give more power to non-developers and non-ServiceNow admins. Ostensibly fulfilling the marketing pitch of “Citizen Developer”.

I’ve begun working with Flow Designer and completed the primary micro-certification. After both studying Flows and using them in the real-world, I’m struggling to “get onboard” with either the marketing or the reality of using them. Despite my rapidly advancing age, I try to keep an open mind about these things and, when I get frustrated, stop to think, “Am I approaching this from the wrong angle? Am I missing something obvious? Am I too set in my ways?” However, after this experience and these considerations, I have several observational concerns about Flow Designer:

The Flow UI does not align with how humans visualize processes

Flow Designer is a linear, top-down graphical model. Step 2 follows (falls under) Step 1, Step 3 follows (falls under) Step 2, and so on. While I think this is fine for very basic logic flows, rarely do business problems get solved with very simple rules with a handful of steps. Rather, when humans gather to map out business flows and determine what and how many paths are needed to arrive at the solution, or at least the conclusion, they draw them on the whiteboard like this:

Man looking at flowchart

At least they have in my experience. In other words, they draw flowcharts, which can and often do incorporate lots of divergent paths. These are both hard to visualize and to build in Flows. In fact, it’s almost laid out in pseudo-code fashion.


This is how an actual flow appears:

ServiceNow Flow

I’ve seen flows in the real world where an else comes 30-40 steps after its corresponding if, making it quite difficult to visualize as a lot of scrolling is required to see the complete block. And although I’ve heard this is coming, you can’t easily do branches or rollbacks. You simply have to keep adding and nesting steps.

I was recently working on an integrated request application where we were having lots of issues with the Flow because it was almost 140 steps, making it hard to visualize and troubleshoot the end-to-end. I suggested we try a Workflow alternative, and not only were we able to reduce it to less than 30 activities, but when the customer saw it using “Show Workflow”, they immediately said “Oh, this is much easier. I can understand this.”

Flow Designer takes longer to develop and deploy

In my experience, developing the same solution in Flow Designer takes longer than in Workflow Editor, and not by a small amount. When I’ve been working with project teams that are attempting to build solutions in ServiceNow using Flows, and I estimate time to complete using my 12+ years of ServiceNow experience, I’m always underestimating the level of effort, because I’m basing it on how long it would take using a Workflow. Here are a couple of more specific examples:

  • When I was trying to “do the right thing” and learn Flow Designer, I went through the micro-certification course. One of the learning activities was to create an approval. After finishing 20 minutes later, I thought, “this is supposed to be easy?” Here’s ServiceNow’s documentation on it: Flow Approval. I realize it has flexibility, but if you want a simple approval, why all the hassle? Conversely, in Workflow, you add an Approval activity, add the approver(s) to it, and draw the lines out of Approve and Reject. This can be done a few minutes or less.
  • In a recent project, there was an integration to Service Request and Hardware Asset Management that used a Flow to manage the lifecycle of the request. The Flow was over 130 steps. After nearly a year of trying to resolve all issues and go-live, and after HI Cases to figure out why the flow wasn’t working, we scrapped it in favor of a Workflow. The Workflow was less than 30 activities and was deployed in less than 4 weeks.

Part of the marketing pitch is that Flows can be built as small, standalone chunks of work that can be called from other Flows, allowing for quick build of these standalone chunks of work. I see problems with this idea:

  1. Having the knowledge and intelligence to logically break the Flows into the correct smaller Flows is quite difficult, particularly for folks who do not come from or have a design background.
  2. Managing lots of Flows and being able to piece them together into a workable Top-level Flow with Subflows is also challenging. It’s like dumping a series of Lego™ sets on the floor without the instruction sheets and trying to piece together coherent models. It’s technically possible, but unlikely and frustrating to-boot.
  3. If you are able to build the Flow, testing and debugging is harder because you have to drill into subflows to see where the issue may occur. I’ve also found that it’s not super easy to see what data is passing back and forth between the subflows and the calling Flow.

Given these, I haven’t found that non-developers can easily design and build these the correct way, if at all. As I mentioned in one of my examples, I get pulled into troubleshoot a Flow that’s well over 100 steps, because the original developer couldn’t logically factor it into manageable subflows.

Flow Designer is a code-replacement tool that requires code to make work

If you think about what a Flow is, and how it is built, it is essentially a complicated code-replacement tool. Think about data pills – these are graphical dot-walks, and workflow variables. All this is wonderful if you can actually have non-developers creating viable Flows, which is the advertised benefit. I have yet to see this actually happen in reality, for the reasons I’ve mentioned thus far. Here’s another reason: In my experience, when Flow steps don’t work as expected, and there’s not an obvious reason why, the solution is usually to open up the script editor in the Flow step and write the equivalent script to what the flow should be doing without script. This negates the ability for non-developers to create them, or at least to make them production-ready. My experience has been teams using Flows can have less senior folks put together a framework, but require senior developers to actually get them in working order.


My straw polling amongst my peers and teammates is that no one finds Flows easier to use than Workflows, and many either shrug and say, “Well this is what ServiceNow is telling me to do”, or, “This is what I learned in training”. My educated guess is that Flow Designer was introduced to ServiceNow by an executive with enough clout to push it through as a viable Workflow replacement. I’d also guess it was purchased rather than built. After attempting to work with it for the better part of two years, my conclusion is: “Why?”. Why am I compelled to use this product? Why was Workflow scrapped instead of being upgraded?

I’m fairly certain that putting some development heft behind Workflow could have made it more powerful and more flexible, rather than leaving it as is for a more complicated, less useful tool. Until someone who knows tells me that there’s a technical reason Workflows had to be scrapped, or a technical reason I shouldn’t use them (rather than “marketing” reasons), my conclusion is that for the foreseeable future, unless there’s a pre-built Flow that does exactly what I need, I will continue to build in Workflows until I can’t.

Develop based on what you know, not what you’re sold

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Why Drive a Cadillac? Part 2 Wed, 20 Apr 2022 20:12:14 +0000 In Part 1, we examined the 5 Tiers of Service Management. This part focuses on the key differences between the tiers. Let’s look at a couple of end-to-end processes through the lenses of tier 1 and 5 to illustrate the differences.

Tiering Examples

1. User in building 3, floor 2, Accounting department reports an issue with accessing SAP. Root cause is a misconfigured switch port.

  • Tier 1: User calls the Help Desk. A support agent opens a support ticket and does some basic troubleshooting – reboots, logs out and in. After 10 minutes, the agent tells the user they need to escalate and ends the call. The agent assigns to a SAP support group. After a few hours, an SAP engineer sees the ticket and begins to ask around if there are any known issues currently. He also confirms he can access SAP and notes no issues in the logging. He IMs local support in building 3 and asks if they can do a remote session. After some troubleshooting, they realize all computers on floor 2 are having trouble accessing some network resources. The ticket is reassigned to Networking. The next morning, the Networking team picks up the ticket and reads through all the notes. They check with the team verbally and via IM to see if any changes went in recently. After a few hours, they realize there was a switch card installed to fix a hardware issue 2 days ago. They begin to troubleshoot and by early afternoon, find the misconfiguration and fix it. They assign the ticket back to the Help Desk and the level one support team checks with the end user that service has been restored before closing the ticket.
  • Tier 5: User submits an incident through the Self Service portal with a high impact, after confirming several members of his team are having the same issue. The incident is marked medium priority and tied to the SAP service and auto-routed to SAP support. SAP support picks up the incident and checks the SAP system for issues, seeing none. They view the CMDB map to check for upstream issues, and see that there are other incidents and a change tied to the network switch in building 3, floor 2. They change the affected CI to the switch and the ticket is auto-reassigned to the networking team, and change the priority to high. The networking team’s SLA-based queue dashboard moves the incident to the top, and the incident is assigned to a level 2 engineer automatically. The engineer, viewing the same CMDB map, makes the incident a child of another incident opened against the same switch. The team sees the change, and finds and fixes the configuration error based on the implementation notes for the Change. The parent is closed and the resolution flows to all children. Service is restored within 2 hours. Management reviews the change and sees a gap in the review process that allowed the issue to occur, and the change templates are changed to prevent the issue in the future.

2. A manager in Sales needs to onboard a new sales rep working remotely

  • Tier 1: The manager emails the Help Desk with the details about the new rep. A support agent opens a support ticket and fills out what was provided in the email, but has to contact the manager to get additional information. After several back-and-forths, the agent begins to email other teams with the ticket information so that they can fulfill the portions they are responsible for, e.g. Procurement to get the hardware and Application Support to set up accounts. The agent has to manage the disparate fulfillment processes through phone, email and IM. Because of different lead times, it takes 8 days until the agent has everything she needs. Meanwhile the rep starts on day 10. The agent sets up the laptop, logs in as the new rep, sets up the applications, and ensures access. She then works with shipping to get the “office setup” sent to the new rep. The new rep receives everything after 13 days.
  • Tier 5: The manager submits an Onboarding request through the Self Service portal, filling out all required information, including choosing available hardware stored in the system by department. The system also contains a master list of applications by department. The system’s fulfillment workflow for Onboarding sees the new rep is part of Sales, orders the Sales laptop automatically from Procurement, and auto-provisions all enterprise-wide and sales specific applications. Procurement uses Asset and Inventory management, and has hardware in-stock for such requests. The hardware is delivered to the Service Desk, and an Agent, who owns the master request, sets up the laptop for the rep and confirms the application access that has already been provisioned. The entire process takes 2 days. The Agent works with shipping to ensure the “office setup” is delivered the day the rep starts their position with the company. The system, based on the request, keeps a record of all hardware and application access received, and uses that data for managing shutoffs and reclamations when the sales rep transfers to another department or leaves the company. Management uses the requester’s and fulfiller’s departments and cost centers to report on how much service is being provided, and to whom, to manage budgets and do chargebacks.

Tier 1 vs. Tier 5

Tier 1 Service Management process and data flows

Tier 1

Characterized by:
  • Lack of self-service
  • Centralized help desk
  • Unrelated tickets
  • Tribal knowledge
  • “Catch as catch can” prioritization and resolution
Tier 5 Service Management process and data flows

Tier 5

Characterized by:
  • Multiple service channels
  • Distributed, specialized support groups
  • Prioritized and correlated ticket queues
  • Synchronization between core data, knowledge and CMDB to align, diagnose and resolve and fulfill
  • Automation, orchestration and integrations to fulfill and synch systems

What I hope is an obvious conclusion from all this is that ServiceNow is able to achieve all these tiers. Many systems that were designed as ticketing systems first can reach the first, second or perhaps third tier, but struggle to achieve the goals of tiers four and five. Because ServiceNow was designed as a platform first, and ticketing, specifically ITSM ticketing was layered on top, it is flexible enough to achieve any desired level. When Service Management is viewed holistically – from a platform perspective and not just a series of unrelated operations applications – it has the ability to help your company become a strategic leader in your industry. (Wow this sounds terribly like marketing – sorry about that!) So why drive a Cadillac? This is why!

Happy transforming!

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Why Drive a Cadillac? Part 1 Wed, 20 Apr 2022 20:09:29 +0000 What do you want out of your Service Management?

I had a client recently refer to ServiceNow as a “Cadillac Escalade”, and that they “just needed a Kia”. This is certainly a long way from when I started at ServiceNow in 2010 and the company and the platform was still just emerging from its “gutsy startup” phase. We’ve now reached the point where ServiceNow has become a “gold standard” in cloud platforms and Service Management, and customers are having to decide if they can afford such a high-end solution.

Anyone who has spent time in business realizes that many decisions are made strictly on financial conclusions, or at the least, what is the minimum required solution for the minimum price. While this exercise is black and white, it’s often overly simplistic and short-sighted.

I’d like to use the remainder of this article to talk about the decisions made about using ServiceNow as your Service Management platform: What do you get out of it, what do you want to get out of it, and are you thinking about both in the right way?

Deciding what Service Management is to your business

For much of IT’s history in business environments, upper management’s view of it (and often the whole company’s) is mainly or purely operational: While it automates a previously manual process, it is there simply to “keep the lights on”, and isn’t core to the company strategy. As a subset of IT, Service Management serves the same function: Ensure people can do their work, and speed up the process of getting people what they need where possible.

Only recently have I started to see a shift in philosophy where companies and company decision-makers start to view IT and Service Management strategically: How can this business function actually be leveraged to make us more competitive, increase our margins, allow our people to focus on strategy and not day-to-day repetition. Let’s explore what this means. The following image shows the upward pyramid of Service Management from operational to strategic:

Service Management tiers

Here’s each tier in greater detail:
Tier 1
Organizations have a central mechanism for taking in issues and requests, assigning them, and working them through to completion. Issues and requests are lumped together; customers and fulfillers view everything as a “ticket” to get reported and completed. Processes are manual: the customer calls or emails, queue managers or general fulfillers assign out the work. No SLAs are defined or tracked – work is done “catch as catch can”. Knowledge and solutions are tribal. No CMDB exists or is leveraged for ticket alignment. No attempt to recognize patterns or recurrences. Reporting is basic and often compiled and manipulated “just in time”.

Tier 2

The central mechanism begins to delineate between types of requests, and defining SLAs around each. For example, an issue preventing a person or persons from doing their job is prioritized over a request for a new software installation. Customers have other interfaces to submit and view their issues and requests – portal, mobile apps, etc. Fulfiller queues become better defined and therefore easier to assign. Management starts to standardize reporting and it becomes more real-time in nature. Knowledge begins to be documented. A CMDB is started for aligning issues and requests with physical and logical infrastructure. Fulfillers begin to recognize and report patterns.

Tier 3

Based on information in submissions, some routing is automated, bypassing the initial queue. SLAs begin to be used to measure performance and enforce accountability. The customer experience becomes both broader and more intuitive – more information and paths to get service exist, but the interfaces are easy to navigate and the correct information is presented at the correct place and time. The CMDB becomes core to understanding and analyzing the service environment – where are issues arising and how is it tied to the broader environment? Reporting starts to move up and down the enterprise hierarchy and is not just limited to single service areas or tiers. Knowledge management processes become defined to ensure knowledge is relevant and up-to-date.

Tier 4

The service desk becomes de-centralized as the CMDB and other mechanisms define and route tickets to the correct initial fulfillment groups (bypassing the generic “service desk” or “help desk”). Correct and available knowledge begins to deflect ticket creation as customers are able to self-serve. Other tickets, particularly requests, are auto-fulfilled (require no human interaction) with orchestration. CMDB relationships are defined allowing fulfillers to see impact across services and the enterprise infrastructure.

Tier 5

All ticket types are defined based on the information presented and the service required – the “right tool to get the job done”. SLAs are defined by type and measured, viewed and accountability exists for meeting them. Almost every submission is routed to a minimum level 2 support group based on the information provided. Fulfillment flows are defined and automation/orchestration is used wherever possible, and fulfillment flows are not implemented without exploring and understanding what automation is possible. CMDB and core data drive the routing, the fulfillment flows and the reporting. Fulfillers leverage the CMDB relationships to understand issues and change impacts across the enterprise. Reporting can be done from the fulfillment teams and ticket type level all the way up to the enterprise, based on available core data. All opportunities for self service and ticket deflection mechanisms are implemented and exposed to the customer. Knowledge is cultivated, managed, standardized and available to the correct audiences. The service management system becomes a system of record for all services delivered and aligns with systems of truth for devices, licensing and access.

Where do you want to be in this tiering?

As stated earlier, it’s much easier to do a cost-benefit analysis of Tier 1. But the real ROI comes from leveling up towards Tier 5. ServiceNow’s flexibility allows you to reach any of these tiers, so a goal of Tier 5 is very attainable. When your employees are no longer focused on day-to-day operational concerns, but rather focus their energies on business improvement, strategic initiatives and outside the box thinking, your business becomes a leader.

In Part 2, we’ll examine the key differences between Tier 1 and Tier 5.

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The Three Ws of Development Mon, 03 Jan 2022 23:49:06 +0000 Where, When and Why you should do your development

In journalism, there’s the concept of the Five W questions whose answers are fundamental to getting the information needed:

  • Who
  • What
  • When
  • Where
  • Why

I want to talk about what I call the “Three Ws of Development” in the ServiceNow realm. These three are: When, Where and Why. We’re going to skip the questions “Who” and “What”. Why? Because “who” is a question for hiring managers, recruiting, and resource vetting. And “what” is (too often) the focus of most if not all training and documentation. Do you need to get the current user’s ID on the client side? Check the API – that’s the “what”. Instead, I want to focus on some areas of development consideration that I feel are often neglected, and I’ll explain each and try to put them in context.

Most everyone in the ServiceNow world knows the basic system architecture, which is the same for almost all cloud-based applications:
High Level Architecture
On the ServiceNow side, there’s an Application Server that stores the compiled code, the files (images, etc.) needed by the application, and delivers content to the user’s browser when requested. The App Server connects to a SQL Database that stores all the data records, and in ServiceNow’s case, all the configurations and code customizations created by both ServiceNow and customers.

Now consider a “normal” transaction between these entities. We’ll use one that’s fundamental to ServiceNow: Accessing and updating an Incident record. The following shows all the component parts in this transaction:
Record Update Transaction Life Cycle 1

  1. Client makes a call to the server to get a specific Incident record
  2. Query Business Rules determine if certain records should be restricted from view
  3. Application queries the database for that record from the incident and related tables
  4. Database returns required data to the application server
  5. ACLs are evaluated and applied
  6. Display Business Rules run logic and place data on the scratchpad (to use client-side)
  7. Application Server provides browser with form, data, and all configurations based on 4-6

Record Update Transaction Life Cycle 2

  1. onLoad UI Policies and Client scripts run
  2. User manipulates data, onChange UI Policies and Client scripts run
  3. UI Actions run client-side, server-side, and sometimes both (first client, then server)
  4. On Save, client sends form data to the Application Server
  5. Before Business Rules manipulate record data prior to saving to the Database
  6. Application Server sends data to the Database
  7. After Business Rules run on any table (current, previous still available)

This is a broader “order of execution” list than ServiceNow provides in their documentation, which deals strictly with Business rules.

So how does this apply to our Ws discussion? Let’s discuss:


In considering where to develop your configurations and customizations, you will almost always get better performance having them run on the Application Server rather than the client’s browser session. Observe the middle section of the diagrams above and the components that live in it. For example, when a user accesses a record, if you need to run logic and have the result available on in the client’s session, it is faster performance-wise to run the logic in a display Business Rule and place the result in the scratchpad rather than run the logic in a Client script, particularly if the latter would require querying the database after the record has been accessed and loaded in the client browser session.

Another important use case is security. All security should be done in ACLs, and only supplemented with UI Policies and scripts where needed. ACLs are the only true security, all other methods are posing as security and can usually be bypassed. For example, let’s say you have a Social Security Number field on a User record that should only be available (visible) to Human Resources, and should not be editable by anyone (it feeds from an HR/HCM system). This field should be secured with field-level read ACL for users with an HR role, another field-level read ACL marked false for all other users, and field-level write ACL marked false for all users. If you were to use a data dictionary level read-only marker, this could be bypassed by scripts running as the system. If you were to use a UI Policy or a Client Script to make it visible and/or read-only, this could be bypassed by list views and edits, server-side scripts, and Integration APIs.

In keeping with the last idea, it is also good practice to mimic your client-side logic on the server-side. For example, if you don’t want to force a field to be mandatory for every save, but want to run client side logic that prevents the save of the record without the mandatory field in a particular scenario, you should also create a server-side Business Rule that aborts the save and messages the user about the mandatory field. This way, your logic is enforced in list edits and server-side record manipulation, and not just in form views.
Record Update Transaction Life Cycle 3

  • List edits bypass “standard” Client Scripts and UI Policies
  • External systems integrate directly with the Application Server

Note: You may have noticed that I haven’t mentioned List configurations like List Edit client scripts. These are also usable to “fix” the List edit issues mentioned, but it doesn’t fix server-side logic and integrations.


Going hand-in-hand with the Where is the When of development. Specifically, consideration should be paid to when in the lifecycle of the full transaction the development is best to exist. Consider the following Business Rule scenarios:

  • You need to access information client-side that is not available on the current record being accessed but can be ascertained using the current record (e.g. querying information from another table using field data from the current record. The correct time (when) to run this logic is in a display Business Rule and place the needed information in the scratchpad.
  • You need to manipulate field data for the current record before the record is saved to the database; for example, you need to multiply two integer fields from the current record and store the product in a total field on the same record. The correct time (when) to execute this is in a before Business Rule.
  • You need to manipulate field data for a different record using the current record data, and either need to access the “previous” object, or you need the manipulation to be reflected in the user’s updated client session view. For example, you are updating a related record to the current record and the update needs to be reflected in a related list of the record form the user is currently viewing. The correct time (when) to execute this is in an after Business Rule.
  • You need to manipulate field data for a different record using the current record data but it doesn’t need to be reflected in the user’s updated client session view, OR you need to trigger an integration whose updates don’t need to be reflected in the user’s updated client session view. The correct time (when) to execute this is in an async Business Rule. Async Business Rules create a Schedule Job that gets queued and executed as system resources become available.


There are many other scenarios an experienced system admin/developer can think of. A key is to understand all the component parts of the transaction diagrams above; the goal is to configure and develop in the correct place, both where and when. Why? The benefits of developing in the correct time and place are:

  • Performance: Following the when and where guidance will ensure the best system performance. Running logic on the server is almost always faster than on the client. Running logic asynchronously means the client, and therefore the user, means they don’t have to wait for the transaction to complete. Each time the transaction can avoid another database query means faster execution and less wait time.
  • Security: Developing measures that secure fields and records, both visibility and editability (R and U in CRUD), in the correct place, means your instance is actually secure, versus appearing to be secure to an end user. After all, most if not all security breaches do not come from a human clicking and typing.
  • Maintainability: Broader maintainability comes from following good and best practices. Consider a ServiceNow health check – what is the likely result of a system audit if you follow the practices suggested above versus using whatever means are available to create solutions.


ServiceNow provides many means to an end. Sadly, much of the documentation and training does not cover which the correct means to the end; rather, it simply details, “If you need to do X, go here and do this”. It doesn’t say why you should do it this way, or what the overall implications are to doing it that way. What I’ve tried to do is give you a baseline of how the system works, so you can understand where and when the correct places are to do X. Understand the baseline, and stop and think about it before everything you develop. I promise your platform, and hopefully your work life, will be better for doing so.

Happy developing!

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