To Scope or Not to Scope

ServiceNow introduced the concept of Scoped Applications in the Fuji release. From their documentation:

Application scoping protects applications by identifying and restricting access to application files and data. By default, all custom applications have a private scope that uniquely identifies them and their associated artifacts with a namespace identifier. The application scope prevents naming conflicts and allows the contextual development environment to determine what changes, if any, are permitted.

Source: Application scope

Each ServiceNow application has an application scope that determines which of its resources are available to other parts of the system. Application scoping ensures that one application does not impact another application. You can specify what parts of the application other applications can access by setting application access settings.

Source: Understanding Application Scope on the Now Platform

The concept is that application code, configuration and data is programmatically “siloed”. This is the ServiceNow version of the old encapsulation concepts in object-oriented programming (OOP). In ServiceNow, applications across scopes have methods of interfacing with each other, but the elements that make up the application (tables, UI element, scripts, UI configuration) cannot be directly accessed by other applications unless granted specific permission to do so.

An important note: When ServiceNow moved to application scoping, all existing platform applications and elements moved into the “global” scope. This is still a scope, but with special properties – it is by its nature more accessible. In general, by default any other application can access global elements and data, rather than by default not being able to access.

Since its introduction, ServiceNow has been touting application scoping as a panacea to many development ills. The stated “best practice” is to always build new applications inside of a scope, and if you’re familiar with installing new applications from plugins or the ServiceNow store, you’ve likely seen quite a few scopes added to your platform environments. For example, in my Personal Developer Instance (PDI), which has very few plugins installed and no Store apps, I have 115 primary application scopes. (The main thing I’ve installed outside of the baseline platform is Customer Service Management.) To me, ServiceNow has gotten “scope crazy”. For example, in my PDI, just within the Change Application there are these scopes:

  • Change Management – Approval Policy
  • Change Management – ATF
  • Change Management – CAB Workbench
  • Change Management – Change Schedule
  • Change Management – Color Picker
  • Change Management – REST API

I can see having Change Management within its own scope. But why are six (6) needed? Does a change approval policy need to be in its own scope? If you’ve tried to make some basic configuration changes within an application, like a reference qualifier or a dictionary override, you know what a pain it can be to have to constantly change scopes and manage all the resulting update sets.

So why has this change been made? Here are some of the stated benefits of Application scoping:

  • “Containerization”: All aspects of the application are contained in a namespace
  • Security: By default, parts of the platform outside of the application have limited to no access to the application
  • Versioning and governance: The entire application has a version, versus the individual elements
  • Deployment: Much like versioning, the entire application can be deployed and removed as an entire entity
  • Isolating development: Because of the above, large development organizations can segregate development by application

Sounds wonderful, doesn’t it? I’m in total agreement with the concept. However, there are several known and stated qualifiers to developing this manner (in ServiceNow):

  • If you are building an application that extends from an existing application in another scope – including global – any element you want to leverage has to be copied into your application scope. For example, if you need a Business Rule’s logic from global, you have to copy the whole Business Rule to your application scope.
  • There are different platform APIs for global versus scoped applications. Many of the API calls are the same, but not all of them are. You have to be sure you are looking at the correct API documentation for your current use case.
  • Managing development can get more complicated – you’ve got to pick the correct application in addition to the correct update set. This gets more complicated if you are developing across scopes.

Additionally, I’ve noted some other concern in my experience working with this functionality:

  • By isolating development, there is a human nature aspect to consider – that developers are less likely to consider platform architecture when developing. There may be a comfort level with the siloing which might lead development organizations to skip oversight of design and standards.
  • Having to develop so that applications can use cross-scope APIs and elements adds a non-trivial amount of overhead to development times. In my experience, I’ve noticed a 20-25% uptick in time to develop inside of non-global applications. This is not an across-the-board universal uptick; rather, most things take the same amount of time, and once in a while something that would take 5 minutes in the global scope takes 2 hours in the application scope, as you scratch your head and desperately search why something that works quickly and easily in global doesn’t work at all in your application scope. So there is a large uptick in time on a small number of elements that averages to a 25% total time increase over the course of a development project.
  • Pushing upgrade sets across environments using multiple application scopes causes more conflicts and errors than just using global.

My conjecture is that had ServiceNow been designed with scoping from day 1, these probably would not even be concerns – it would have been worked out and eliminated in the platform design process. Instead, scoping has been bolted on “after the fact”, and it raised these and other concerns I’m probably forgetting.

I’ve thought a lot about the question of whether to scope or not to scope. I get asked about it all the time on projects that require custom applications. In my experience, these are the actual reasons to use an application scope:

  1. You are building something you want to package to put on the ServiceNow Store or Share site, outside of your ServiceNow environment(s).
  2. You save money on licensing.
  3. You aren’t versed enough in the platform to feel comfortable implementing isolation techniques in the global scope, such as ACLs, or you aren’t comfortable with your developers for the same reason.
  4. You work in a massive development house with many teams developing in ServiceNow without any centralized management of the design, architecture and QA/QC of the platform.
  5. You want to be able to say you followed ServiceNow’s advice.

What if these don’t align with your needs? My advice is that you do not need to create new application scopes in order to do custom development. Do what you’re comfortable with. I prefer the ease of developing in the global scope, and I much prefer architectural oversight of the development happening in the platform. When I consider a set of business needs, and determine custom development is required to meet them, I want to be able to determine if I should extend base functionality and use existing elements without having to deal with the issues previously mentioned with application scoping. I also want my developers thinking about how anything they’re developing affects the larger platform. I think that not scoping actually encourages and trains design and development discipline.

I’ll caveat all this by saying that I learned ServiceNow prior to application scoping, and I am comfortable managing development and updates in a single scope. If you’re not comfortable designing and developing with the whole platform in mind, by all means use the tools ServiceNow has provided. I’m not saying it’s a bad thing, I’m simply saying that I don’t think it’s necessary and can have negative side effects. As always, think before you act

Happy developing!



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