Building Core Strength

Why good core data is both the roots and the flowers of your ServiceNow tree

“A tree with a rotten core cannot stand.” — Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

In the fitness world, and in fact the physical human world, your core is the central part of your body. It includes the pelvis, lower back, hips and stomach. Exercises that build core strength lead to better balance and steadiness, also called stability. Stability is important whether you’re on the playing field or doing regular activities. In fact, most sports and other physical activities depend on stable core muscles.

As ServiceNow has moved further towards being a product company and less a platform company, it’s easy to lose sight of the aspects of the system that are core to its functionality and its value. If you’re solely focused on products*, it’s akin to building big arms and shoulders, and large calves and thighs, but ignoring your back, abs and glutes. Eventually you’ll be a Popeye-ish figure, unable to balance because you’re both disproportionate and “weak in the middle”. In this article, we’ll discuss what’s core to ServiceNow, what benefits having a good core provides, and how to build and maintain this core.

*Products, or Applications and Application Suites, are things like ITSM, CSM, HRSM, ITBM, ITOM, and their components. These are the things ServiceNow builds, markets and licenses on top of the core platform.

What is the ServiceNow Core?

There are several aspects to the core platform. I’ve highlighted some of these in a previous post, primarily the development components that make up all the applications. In this post, I’m going to focus on the core data which in the least drives consolidated reporting, and as I’ll elucidate later, the best gives a full insight into how your business is running.

organization navigation menuFrom a data perspective, the core data are the tables that can be seen in the Organization application in the left navigation menu.

The main tables are:

  • Companies
  • Departments
  • Locations
  • Business Units
  • Cost Centers
  • Users
  • Groups

Note: Vendors and Manufacturers are Companies with particular attributes, not unique tables.

If you look at the schema map for any of these tables, you’ll see how many tables reference these records. For example, the Department table is referenced 746 times in my largely out-of-the-box PDI. Most of these are the CMDB, and indeed, it is hard to use the schema visualization ServiceNow provides because of the number of CMDB tables it needs to draw to represent the schema. If you look at the dictionary references to Department, there are still 36 entries.

However this is just part of the usage of this data. Consider the dot-walking use cases for Department. (If you don’t understand what dot-walking means, please refer to ServiceNow documentation.) Since Department is a field on User record, everywhere a User reference exists, Department can be used by dot-walking to it. Looking at the dictionary references to User, in my PDI there are 784 non-CMDB fields across the platform. So this is 784 places you can inherently filter on or group by Department by dot-walking from the User reference field.

Because the in-platform schema is overwhelmed by the CMDB, I drew a diagram of just how these core tables tie together:

core tables

Note: Depending on your organization, you may not need all these tables populated. Smaller organizations may not distinguish between Departments, Business Units and Cost Centers.

Building and Maintaining Your Core

Experienced system administrators and ServiceNow developers are familiar with these tables and this data. What I’ve often found is there’s an effort during the initial implementation to populate the required tables, then the maintenance is lacking and data becomes stale or messy.

Here are some common examples:

  • The data is imported once and either an integration or an ongoing process for maintaining the data isn’t implemented
  • The company does a re-organization and user departments, cost centers, business units aren’t updated
  • Unique identifiers aren’t determined for the core records and subsequent imports create duplicates
  • Companies treat users like tickets – they just need to be able to login, have the correct roles, and “life is good”

Here’s a small example I ran into recently: A customer had done a series of User imports from other systems without clearly identifying and marking a unique field. An integration was built from Salesforce using the email address as an identifier of a Requester (User) in ServiceNow. An issue was reported after we went live because the Requester was incorrect. The root cause was there were three active user records with the same email address and the system picked the first one sorted by sys_id. This issue was not previously identified because the two bad records weren’t being used by actual users.

In these scenarios, core data quickly becomes utilitarian and not useful for broader service management insight or improvements.

My recommendations for implementing and maintaining good core data are as follows:

  1. Identify sources of truth and system(s) of record for core data. This is an organizational best practice that certainly applies to ServiceNow as well. It’s rare that ServiceNow is or should be the source of truth or system of record for core data, perhaps other than local User Accounts, Groups and Group Memberships. For example, Active Directory is often the system of record for users across the enterprise. As an organization, identify these systems and implement integrations to receive data from these systems of record.
  2. Identify and implement unique identifiers for data records across systems. Akin to my example above, and assuming you’ve done step 1, before importing data from a system of record you need to determine the unique identifier from the source system. Ensure that ServiceNow has this field in the destination table (and import set table), and set up your transform maps or other integration logic to coalesce on this field’s data. This is critical to ensuring duplicate records are not created.
  3. Set up your imports and transforms to ensure core references are populated. You’ll need to order your transformations so that references to core table records on other core tables are populated – see the table diagram above. For example, in order to set the Location on the User record, the Location table needs to be populated first. However, if you want to use the “Contact” field on the Location records, you’ll need the Users in place. The reality is you’ll need to do multiple transformations or scripting to handle this circular logic. (Challenge yourself and try multiple transformations!)
  4. Use the Production (“PROD”) instance as the system of record for core data across ServiceNow instances. Within your ServiceNow environment, PROD should be the system of record for this core data; sub-production environments will get their core data from PROD via clones. You can and should use sub-production for testing core data integrations, but the data itself should come from PROD. This includes Groups and Group Memberships wherever possible, save for a one-off when development requires a new Group that cannot exist in PROD prior to release. (Think about this as you do development – often a Group can be created in PROD without impact to process.) Using PROD as the system of record for this data means you have matching sys_ids of these records across your environments, and references to this data will not break in clones or code and configuration promotions. It is fine and expected to create additional core data records in sub-production instances – test users in your TEST instance for example – but use PROD as your source of truth.

Benefits of a Strong Core

For experienced system administrators and ServiceNow developers who are aware of and/or follow good practices, I haven’t mentioned anything they don’t already know. Sometimes it’s a matter of time and execution rather than knowledge. But what is sometimes not known is why this is important other than having good, clean data in your systems. What the larger benefits from having this data correct and available are.

It is hard to generalize all the benefits into clean, succinct bullet points. What you can do is move past the ideas of “number of tickets open/closed” and SLAs. Here are examples of the use of good core data, and hopefully it will trigger your imagination to think how it might apply to your organization and its business needs:

  • Using the Department and Cost Center data tied to the User References on task-based application records, you can see what organizations are delivering services to what organizations, and use this data for charge-back accounting. For example, IT has completed 500 Incidents for Sales, or HR has fulfilled 300 service requests for Finance. With timekeeping and cost accounting, this data could be used to flow-down into cross-department accounting.
  • Analyze trends of types of Incidents and Service Requests by Location (again by requesting User). This analysis could reveal Incident types that could be converted to Problems that are localized but could be avoided in the future.
  • Group by core data points to determine if certain organizations or locations could benefit from a new or modified service (Incident deflection?)
  • Align new hires and intra-company moves with Department so that standard packages can be pre-ordered (rather than asking each time). For example, the Sales Department employees always get certain access, software and hardware; this could be aligned with the Department so that when a new hire is requested who is part of Sales, the access, software and hardware can be automatically ordered.

For further reading, I did detail an example of what level of service can be provided, reported and analyzed when your core data is complete and used in a previous blog: Tier 5 Service Management.

Hopefully these examples trigger your own ideas about using referential core data to improve insight and improvements to your own organization.


At a cursory level, it is fairly obvious why having good data in ServiceNow is beneficial: clean is always better than messy. However, there’s more benefit than just cleanliness. Having accurate, up-to-date core data can help take your Service Management to “the next level” – both understanding what is occurring in your organization at a deeper level, and being able to make informed judgments about how to deliver Services that maximize benefit and minimize human effort. So start with your roots – good core data – and cultivate the ideas and features that will make your Service Management bloom.



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